Ten ways to find a job as an Eco Detective. 

Unleash Your Inner Eco-Detective!

Here's what it takes to become an Eco-Detective:

Ready to take action?

Keen Observation: Eco Detectives are "keen observers" who pay close attention to details, both visual and auditory.

Active Listening: They actively listen to their surroundings. This involves paying close attention to sounds and other auditory cues.

Problem-Solving: Eco Detectives are problem-solvers who use their observational and listening skills to identify opportunities2.

Strategic Response: They respond strategically, aligning their actions with their mission. This means that they act intentionally and purposefully in a way that moves them toward their goal.

Harnessing Distractions: Eco Detectives can turn distractions into opportunities and tools to advance their mission. This suggests that they are adaptable and can use unexpected events or situations to their advantage.

Mission-Focused: Eco Detectives immerse themselves fully in their mission while keeping their personal goals in mind. This focus enables them to effectively use their skills and align their actions.

These skills enable an Eco Detective to effectively navigate challenges and achieve their goals.